If There's Anything You Want
Come On Back Cause It's All Still Here
I'll Be In The Back Room Drinking My Half Of The Beer
And If You And Me Is So Right
Why's It The Same Thing Every Night?
It's Just A Matter Of Time
It's Almost Measurable
Imagination Ain't Kind On Us Tonight
You're At Your Best When You Got The Guns Turned A Hundred Eighty Degrees
And Finding Out If It Adds All Up Right
We Go Through All The Same Lines Or Sell Out To Appease
But Go To Sleep In A Bed Of Lies
I Made My Own More Than Once Or Twice
And Now Time Is My Time Time Is My Own
And I Feel So Alive Yet Feel So Alone
Cause You Know You're The One And That That Hasn't Changed
Since You Were Nineteen And Still In School Waiting On A LightOn The Corner By Sound Exchange
If There's Anything You Want
Come On Back Cause It's All Still Here
I'll Be In The Back Room Drinking My Half Of The Beer
And If You And Me Is So Right
Why's It The Same Thing Every Night?
It's Just A Matter Of Time
It's Almost Measurable
Imagination Ain't Kind On Us Tonight
You're At Your Best When You Got The Guns Turned A Hundred Eighty Degrees
And Finding Out If It Adds All Up Right
We Go Through All The Same Lines Or Sell Out To Appease
But Go To Sleep In A Bed Of Lies
I Made My Own More Than Once Or Twice
And Now Time Is My Time Time Is My Own
And I Feel So Alive Yet Feel So Alone
Cause You Know You're The One And That That Hasn't Changed
Since You Were Nineteen And Still In School Waiting On A LightOn The Corner By Sound Exchange
Muito lecau e adequada, novamente! :p
"It's Almost Measurable"
"And Now Time Is My Time Time Is My Own"... Só um pequeno destaque para partes que soam especialmente bem!
Repeat por aqui tb!
Érica L., at segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007
Ah, sim, e eu estou viva, por assim dizer.
Érica L., at segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007
Lembro que tinha uma música do spoon no primeiro cd que vc gravou pra mim. É essa? (Não tenho como baixar a música agora pra descobrir)
No mais, no meu repeat tá essa música aqui:
"One day we’ll disappear together in a dream
However short or long our lives are going to be
I will live in you or you will live in me
Until we disappear together in a dream"
Sei que sou a pessoa mais suspeita do mundo pra falar isso, mas acho que vc vai gostar do disco novo do Wilco. Só tem músicas lentas, calmas e bonitas. Tristes, muitas delas, como vc costuma gostar. Ou então meio bobinhas e otimistas, que vc costuma gostar também. Cpmo "What Light" - cuja letra merecia até aparecer no seu muralzinho. ;)
Edson, at segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007
vou dar mais uma chance pro wilco! pela última vez! e nao lembro qual era a música do spoon... com certeza nao era essa.
Sheila, at segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007
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